Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Graduation Day

We spent a week under the weather...but finally everyone is better and things are getting back to normal...as normal as life with three little ones!

Tonight Joshua graduated from kindergarten. Sometimes I feel like time is slipping away from me too fast...I want to hold onto every moment...which validated my decision to quit my job-today was my last day!

Anyway, as I was kneeling on my knees donning the monster truck tie on my very wiggly little guy I had a flash forward of one day straightening his tie on his high school graduation. I got a little teary-eyed and was a bit more tolerant of the wiggles than I typically would have been.

1 comment:

RosieBoo said...

Congrats on quitting your job, Tammy!! BTW, last night I was standing in the hall and I watched Joshua and Lydia walking to choir. Lydia walks just like her Mommy...she is miniature you...precious! :)