Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Compromise. According to Webster's it is defined as a settlement in which each side makes concessions, or to meet midway

I don't like pets. Well, I do like cats, but I have a terrible allergy to them, so we can't have one. Steve and the kids really wanted a pet...they would love a cat, a dog, or a rabbit. Not me. Animals are messy and they stink (sorry to offend all you animal lovers).

We compromised and bought two hamsters. They stay in a cage and are relatively low maintaince. In addition I was assured I would not be responsible for cleaning the cage. Here is a snapshot of our day.

Katherine loves animals and is especially fond of cats. This is her trying to convince me to take this one home from the pet store. Lydia wanted a pot-bellied pig.

Here are the girls with there new pets. Everyone is so excited... well, almost everyone. I am still adjusting to my wonderful dining room now containing animals.

This is three hours later. Vanilla tried to kill Whitey. It was quite tramatic so we had to put them in separate cages. Joshua, trying to cheer me up, exclaims, "our dining room looks (and smells) like a pet store!"

What a wonderful opportunity to talk with our children about the ability to "meet midway."

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Cute story. Why didn't you get Lydia a pot bellie pig? :)
CAn't say I blame you there.
The kids want a fish, I know if I get one I will be cleaning the tank which I have never done before. I love the picture of you and the kids, the girls dresses are very pretty. Joshua looks nice too, cute smile.
Call me and lets get a play date arranged with the kids. I didn't know you quit your job, it is a big sacrifice but well worth it in the end. Yes are kids are growing up quickly. Cherish each moment.
Call me now! :)